UHR TermbaseThe UHR Termbase contains 2000 terms, primarily in English, Norwegian bokmål and nynorsk, for the higher education sector. Published 09.04.2018 14.21 Edited 21.11.2024 15.04 Universities Norway (UHR) recommends that the suggested terms be used in the higher education sector to ensure a standardized terminology in both English and Norwegian. In English the UHR Termbase follows the Oxford University Press standard.The UHR Termbase is for free public use. We recommend that the resource be made available on other websites and in other relevant ways. We also recommend that external language service providers such as translators etc. be advised to use the UHR Termbase. UHR holds the copyright to the UHR Termbase.For translation of government administration job titles, the UHR Termbase follows the guidelines of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD).Language resourcesEnglish MattersLanguage Council of Norway (Språkrådet)Bokmål and Nynorsk dictionariesOxford Learner’s Dictionaries.UHR’s terminology groupThe UHR Termbase is developed and maintained by UHR’s terminology group consisting of representatives from the higher education sector appointed by the UHR.